The seat beside her had been taken by a gray-headed man. He was sitting sideways. His wrinkled face slightly leaned on one side towards Mei. His legs with black cloth shoes were crossed. His arms folded on a neat shirt. His mouth was open with dry lips carrying some dead skin. His eyes were closed in the shadow of a peaked winter cap. His freckled nose seemed redundant, for his peaceful breath came through his missing teeth. He looked to be in a profound sleep, as if an incarnation of a survivor from the Long March led by Chairman Mao. His humble appearance with a plain set of yellowish clothes reminded Mei of her grandfather who was a retired soldier from the Korean War. His frowning forehead cast in tense toughness made Mei think of the peculiar loneliness of a thrown rider, who could never get back on his horse, and whose lifetime was once as a glorious warrior but now a forgotten bachelor. He owned a particular smell that only could be found in those who were old enough to tuck time in their sleeves to pass a long winter.